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Pharmacists Companion makes it easy to:
Perform Drug Regimen Reviews
Prewritten macros allow you to make a wide number of interventions on federal guidelines, special instructions from the manufacturer, administration guidelines, therapy monitoring and more. You can modify any of the included comments as you make them, or build your own personal library and cross reference them to various drugs. Identify your target audience, and send the comments directly to the right person.
Meet HCFA and JCAHO Guidelines
Help your facility stay in survey compliance; many of the included comments are related to federal guidelines and HCFA F-tags. Complete patient records, better documentation and interactive communication between software users help you meet your JCAHO requirements.
Perform Disease Management
Create your own macros targeted for disease management, identify drugs for therapeutic substitutions, monitor patient well-being and disease parameters.
Print Reports for Everyone
Generating reports has never been easier! Pharmacist's Companion includes an extensive collection of pre-designed reports. The wide variety of report options allow you to filter the patient, drug and home information to create the reports you need. Work with blank sheets or pre-printed letterhead , as well as MED-PASS forms.
Maintain Complete Patient Records
Information and information management is a vital part of modern healthcare. Pharmacist's Companion allows you to maintain a comprehensive patient profile, including DRR records, active medications, labs, diagnoses, and more. Flexible data entry requirements let you decide the amount of facility and patient data you want to collect, archive, and use.
Monitor Multiple Outcomes Criteria
Outcomes management is the key to proving the value of your services. Pharmacist's Companion gives you multiple methods to monitor outcomes on your pharmacy interventions and patient status, including statistical monitoring of med counts and drug utilization reviews.
Expand into New Practices
Save time and make money! Pharmacist's Companion can help you open new markets, reduce the amount of time you spend consulting, and provide more services. More importantly, it will help you stay competitive!
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