Apothacare - Software for Today's Pharmacy

Training Information Request Form


If you are already an Apothacare customer, and wish to receive information on training for the Pharmacist's Companion™ Professional consulting software system, please fill out the form below, and when you are finished, click the Send button at the bottom of this form to send it to Apothacare.

If you are not currently an Apothacare customer, but would like information regarding Pharamcist's Companion Professional, please fill out our general information request form, or call 800-736-8456.

Your full name:
Your email address:

Your company:

Your phone number (with area code):
Your fax number (with area code):

Which training option are you interested in?

Four-hour on-line training session. Best for small groups of up to six people.
Two-day on-site training (needs to be arranged specially). Best for groups of more than six people.
I would like to discuss other possible options.

Any additional comments:


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